In the Name of Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Companies must create recovery plans

Companies must create recovery plans

In Arab Chamber webinar, KPMG market leader André Coutinho advised businesspeople on the importance of planning for when the social distancing measures are over, considering potential market changes.

Having a recovery plan can determine the performance and success of the companies after the novel coronavirus pandemic, which has ushered in major changes in markets across the world. This was one advice given in the online seminar “International Business and Legal Safety: Adaptations to the New Scenario,” hosted by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday (20), featuring specialists from Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.

The topic was addressed in the webinar by KPMG market leader André Coutinho (pictured above). “Just as it important was having a good crisis management plan and having a plan for business recovery (after the crisis), it’s important now to have a good plan for business recovery,” Coutinho told the audience of the online event, which was attended by 600 people from Brazil and elsewhere.


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